
Monday, May 6, 2013

Poster Explanations

Sorry for such a delayed post! I just wanted to clear up some information I put on my posters throughout the campaigning session.

Explanation #1: "Film Frenzy Friday"
I didn't put any other information whatsoever, and I'm sorry for that!
In the simplest terms, this event is meant to be a night for fun, relaxing, and just hanging with friends.
The Miller Community will decide on a broad but exciting theme for the night, which will be the theme for the movies (ex. For an animal themed night, we could have Finding Nemo and The Lion King). Miller would also provide free treats to share, including ice cream, popcorn, and candy. We'd also strongly encourage bringing blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, and wearing PJs/any sleepwear to try to create a comfy and cozy mood within the students. Depending on the season, this would take place in the MP Room or Gym, or Field.

Explanation #2: "Triple Threat Week"
Thought to encourage unification of each grade, this event is meant to increase school participation and viewing of schoolwide competitions and have students mingle with each other.
This weeklong event is comprised of four competition days, and a single prep day. Monday, or the first day of the school week, is meant for planning, and having homeroom representatives explain what the activity is. There would be a spirit day the next four days of the week, where the following spirit day would be announced during the morning announcements (ex. Thursday's spirit day would be announced on Wednesday, and Wednesday's spirit day would be announced on Tuesday). The competition would be each grade competing against another, to try to gain free admission to the last dance, or even a mini dance for their grade only.
Communication between peers is essential for this activity, as it is for homeroom spirit days, which would allow more students to interact with those they haven't encountered before.

Explanation #3: "skim?/sco?"
For all of those who were confusing by the wording "skim" or "sco", I am truly sorry for making the assumptions that people would know who "skim" was, or what "sco" stood for.
A simplified version of Sally Kim, SKim is a change that I used on my posters to create a simpler look to my posters.
As for SCO, the acronym is supposed to stand for Student Council Officer, which was simplified for the same reason.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I AM: Passionate

Although most people may not know, I am very different than other Student Council Officers. I can assure you all that I am and will be passionate about being one of Miller Middle School's Student Council Officers. It is a given that experience is always a positive quality to list on a resume, but with experience is passion. Without passion, without any sense of drive within one self, the best work can't even start.
That is why I can promise that my lack of experience as a leader will be made up by my passion for Student Council. I have twice as much drive, urging sensation to help Miller Middle School in any way possible than any other candidate.
If I was a SCO next year, I would put in my very best effort into all activities that the Student Council will plan.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Lately, many of my classmates have been asking several general questions about my campaign, and Student Council in general. I'd like to give you my best answers to all questions you have.

1. What is Student Council and what does it do?
Student Council is a small, but powerful organization at Miller Middle School. Like a director of a movie, it isn't always famed as it deserves to be, and does much to contribute to Miller. What Student Council does is contribute to the school by creating all of the school-based events such as Oscar Night, and the dances (including the SOS dance). For those who don't know, it uses the money from the Magazine Drive at the beginning of the year to fund all of its events later in the year. For even more information on Student Council, please ask any of the current officers!

2. What makes you (Sally Kim), as a candidate, different from everybody else?
Although it may not seem significant now, I will be sure to emphasis on my later posts the importance of some qualities I listed. It will be in the post format "I AM:      ". Please watch for those posts!

3. Why don't you wear your hat?
I've been trying to avoid hat use until the end of the election to try to preserve its quality. I don't want it to fly away, or get ruined in anyway, before the last crucial days of my campaign.

4. Why are you wearing a pin that advertises for Pepsi/has the French flag on it?
I'd like to confirm that any person wearing a pin that has red, white, and blue stripes on it or is wearing a festive American hat is running for Student Council Officer.

5. Why don't you write your name on your pin?
I'd rather use the opportunity of wearing an interesting pin to talk to people about who I am (including my name) that wear it as a colorful name tag. I will probably write my name on the pin later in the week for a stronger campaign prop.

6. Why are you running for Student Council Officer?
I am running for Student Council Officer because I want to help the students and the campus. My sole reason for running is to finally be able to help Miller. I want to help Miller create dances, spirit days, and other events, and watch students enjoy the activities that Student Council creates.

7. Why should I vote for you for Student Council?
You should vote for me for three main reasons. I am hardworking, reliable, and passionate. All traits of a good leader. I of course have other traits that will be beneficial to Miller and its students.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

SC Promo Video

Sorry for the bad quality!
Anyways, over the next few days, I'll be going over some important traits about myself and some KIMpressive ideas I have and will follow through to help Miller as a Student Council Officer.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Since I'm not the best with photoediting and computer edits in general, Myra Cheng generously created an e-poster for my Student Council Campaign! Thanks so much Myra!
Although much wasn't posted for today, stay tuned, because I have some new videos and entertaining posts coming up, including a Student Council Promo Video. It isn't my official video, but a cute supplement.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Hi everybody! Thanks to those who are actually reading this blog. Don't worry, I will blog more often for my SCO campaign, and will try to make it as interesting as possible.